Fisk Fitness Center FAQ
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Where is the Fisk Fitness Center located?
The FFC is located on the bottom floor of Adam K. Spence Hall, directly across from the mail center.
Address: 1020 17th Ave N, Nashville, TN 37208
Who has access to the FFC?
All current students, faculty, and staff with a valid Fisk University ID are eligible to use the facility. No outside visitors will be permitted.
When is the FFC open?
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The facility will be closed from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM for a daily deep clean.
Can I bring my own personal trainer?
No, all personal trainers must be on contract with Fisk University in order to use/teach/assist within our facility.
Where can I leave my items?
Day-use lockers are located within the locker rooms at no cost. All patrons will be required to store all belongings within a locker as no items will be permitted on the gym floor. You are responsible for your own lock and safekeeping of your items- Fisk is not responsible if anything is stolen or lost. Any lockers left after a 24 hour period will be placed in Lost and Found. You will not be reimbursed if a lock has to be cut/removed.
Anything else I should know?
It’s all common sense and basic gym etiquette. We are a zero-tolerance facility; any destruction to our equipment, disrespecting other patrons (including participating in lewd behavior ) or any Violation of these rules may result in termination of access to the facility.
For any comments, concerns, or questions regarding the Fisk Fitness Center please contact:
Shir-earn Rainey Brown - Ext. 8671 or (Please allow 24-48 hours for a response)